Coocoocachoo exists to create whimsical experiences.

Coocoocachoo About Us

We are explorers, adventurers, experimenters, frivolity fans, feisty underdogs and challengers.

We are passionate about good food - sometimes indulgent, sometimes healthy, sometimes novelty, always exceptional. We use our love affair with coffee as a key pillar to create meaningful experiences. We are honest and don't take ourselves too seriously, but still take pride in the quality of everything we do.

We are about community, not demographically or geographically, rather behaviourally. We want to connect with people who appreciate quality, that prioritise taste and experience over Instagrammability. People that pay attention and want a meaningful experience. We ultimately focus on the specialty coffee movement, and the epicurean food movement and use those as vehicles to connect with our community.

We might dabble in novelty, but ultimately, we aim to look beyond that into sustainability, inclusivity and trustworthy quality.

We have created and curated a range of products for your pleasure, enjoy.
